16: Feathers of Controversy: Franklin's Take on America's Bird

Unfurl the story of America's great avian debate on this episode of Hometown History. We delve into the feathery fray that saw the fierce bald eagle and the unassuming turkey vying for the title of national symbol. Benjamin Franklin, with his astute observations and penchant for the symbolic, sits at the center of this historical quill-off.

Did you know that Franklin had a penchant for the turkey over the bald eagle? We're dissecting the founding father's humorous yet pointed insights into why he deemed the turkey, despite its quirks, to be a more fitting emblem for the new nation than the majestic eagle. This episode promises to pluck at the surprising undercurrents that influenced the symbols of American identity.

Navigate through the annals of America's past with us and discover the intricate tales that shaped our national emblems. For more episodes that explore the quirkier side of history with factual precision and captivating storytelling, glide over to itshometownhistory.com.


17: Liberty's First Crisis: The Amendment that Shaped a Nation


15: Two-Party Ties: Unraveling Political History